Rhodes Signature 100 People Community Dragon Dance Story

Date: February 24th (Saturday) 2024

Time: 11.30am-11.50am

Background of the Rhodes Dragon:

In 2022, Rhodes witnessed a spectacular event as a 100-person dragon dance unfolded, marking a momentous celebration of cultural diversity and a drive towards social inclusivity and community harmony. This historic occurrence was the first of its kind in Sydney.

The dragon, belonging to Mark Boyle, a longstanding resident of Rhodes, has been a cherished presence in the community. He initiated a three-person dragon in 2014, and over the years, it has expanded both in size and in the affection it receives from the local kids, delighting in the rhythmic beats of drums and cymbals. A notable milestone was achieved during the Rhodes Moon Festival 2022 when a hundred smiling individuals united to support the dragon. With the assistance of The Learning Space Rhodes, the dragon now proudly carries a 3D printed earth globe in its mouth, symbolizing multicultural diversity.

This momentous occasion brought together a diverse array of participants, including political leaders, council members, local Police officers, ambulance and fire brigade personnel, representatives from the local health district, people with disabilities, LGBTQIA+ community members, students and teachers from local schools, scouts, and individuals from Korean, Chinese, Indian, and various other communities. The dragon serves as a powerful symbol of unity, representing a community where individuals from different cultural backgrounds and sectors stand united, resilient, and strong—a true multicultural embodiment with the spirit of Rhodes.

Adding to the significance of the event, Uncle Mark Merriman, a leader in the Aboriginal community and Sydney Harbour Head Elder, held the pearl and guided the dragon. The pearl symbolizes the aboriginal spirit and wisdom, guiding the multicultural community. This celebration not only draws inspiration from traditional cultures but also contributes to an enhanced sense of identity for all participants. It serves as an essential educational session, filling a void for many residents who have immigrated from overseas and now call Rhodes home.

If you would like to join in on the Dragon Dance Extravaganza event, to take part in creating memorable history within the community of Rhodes, please make a booking before the tickets run out. The booking link can be found here.